Saturday, October 27, 2007

*big yawns*

Well, it's 2:30am, and I'm at work again. I haven't gone to bed yet. Why, you might ask? Because there's overtime available! Anyone who knows me knows that if there is overtime available for work...I jump at it.'s been 12 hour days since Monday. I've been trying to still keep up with my weekly routines, too. So all in all, it's been one exhausting week!! Monday night was Melting Pot. Tuesday night I stayed til 7:30 while Lys was still interviewing (she got hired today, btw!!)we then had to go rescue Dan from work, which meant driving him down to Lehi. I then took Lys home, and got home around 9:30, myself. Wednesday night I didn't get home until about 8 or 8:30, but I was able to stay home the rest of the night :-). Thursday night is movie night. My friend Becky comes over to watch Veronica Mars. I was late getting hime, but we both decided that we still needed our movie night. It was really nice. I also spent a couple of hours designing a logo for a friend at work. She loved it! (which made me REALLY happy). In fact, she showed it to so many people, that I now have a few requests to work on. I love being able to put things like that together :-). Tonight (er, last night?) I got off of work a little after 7:30. I stopped at home just long enough to grab my laptop, then head to Lys's. The plan was to help her unpack while I play WoW with my weekly group. Yeah...I wasn't as productive as I had planned, heh. I did play with my group until about 1:30, at which point I had to leave. It was either come to work now, or come in at 5:00am (so I'll be done in time to go on the haunted tour tonight!!) So...thank goodness for Del Taco being open 24 hours, and for having a Totinos Party Pizza in my freezer. I luckily also had 1 sugar free energy drink left in my fridge. YAY!

I'm now sitting alone on my half of the the dark...and I just got spooked by my own reflection in the cubicle window. Yeah, that was Oh! I also got our "professional" pictures back from Disney World. I can't wait to get some up! It took 7 discs to get all of our pictures in high this is going to be FAR too much fun, hehe.

Ok, back to work for me. The OT for today is, luckily, emails. I can just throw on my headphones and crank out the emails. It's great! If I can just get through the next 12 hours...I'll be great!

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