Saturday, November 24, 2007

4:30 am...and still no sleep

Well here it is. 4:30 am, and I still haven't gone to bed yet. You would have thought that I would have learned from last night! Julie, Roger, Roger's brother, and I did the Black Friday thing, and headed to WalMart at about 1:00 am. We got back to my parents' house at about 8, then I fell asleep for a few hours. I then got up, and we did the Almond Roca thing. Mmmmmm it's far too yummy!!

Well, it's now 5:30, and I haven't gotten much more done...though it feels like I've been working the entire time! I really need to work on a few more things, see how much I can get done before friends come over for the game today.

Well, this is pretty short, and with any luck I'll be able to upload some pictures during the game (no...really this time! Maybe!!)

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